Q: I personally am having problems within myself on how to exactly find the right way to serve Jehovah within the congregation setting feeling that Jehovah is indeed using this organization for the truth etc and feeling so much is just not right.  I feel that for the most part the congr just wants an outward mold of a person.  In my congr if you should get a shepherding call you take a risk of having it adlibed by the elder in a car group.  The lack of love in almost every congr is mindboggling.  What to make of this?  Instead of building each other up we tear each other down.  For some of us that don't have anyone else to help with our loads its hard holding on.  However, it is the truth and I feel Jehovah is using the Congr and organization. 


Maybe sometime you could update your personal site so we could see how things worked out for you. Are you still in the org and how you cope with the injustices etc


Please take comfort in knowing that you are not alone in the way you feel about the lack of love among Jehovah's people, but there are literally thousands, probably more like hundreds of thousands, who feel exactly the way you do. In fact, Jesus foretold that "the love of the greater number will cool off." That is why we need to endure to the end. (Matt. 24:12,13) We have not been prepared for this development as we have always been taught that these things apply to the world, particularly Christendom. We have also been persuaded to believe that God's people were judged way back in 1918 and that we are now enjoying a "spiritual paradise." That is what is so confusing to the brothers. How can we have so many problems and yet believe that Jehovah is pleased with us? We have broken marriages, husbands or wives running off with each other’s mates (not that uncommon around here either); child abusers; elders making the six o'clock News for defrauding a widow of her life savings (saw it on our News), etc. etc. And the shepherds who are supposed to care for God’s sheep, to feed and protect them, are instead disfellowshipping those who are simply disagreeing with some teachings—the sheep that Jesus died for! Will the shepherds not be held accountable? (Ezek. 34:2-10)

The apostle Peter wrote that God's judgment will start with his own house. That did not happen back in 1918, as we have been taught, but is yet to come. When will it start and how will it proceed? Jesus told us he would come "at an hour we do not think likely." And in connection with his unexpected sudden arrival he will find some of the slaves, who had been given the responsibility to feed "the menservants and maidservants," to be beating them into submission for no scriptural reason other than unity. I believe the evidence indicates that we must be very close to the appointed time. (1 Peter 4:17,18)

It is comforting to know that Jehovah will not hold the sheep accountable for what the shepherds have done or failed to do. (Ezekiel 34:2-10) What we must individually do is endure the present suffering, and hold on to our loyalty to Jehovah. Sticking close to Him is our only protection! The meetings are still important for building one another up in love. They are from Jehovah for our benefit, and are meant for us; although we often see the wicked in the majority, which can be a test to our own integrity. But that is not unlike how it was also in the first century. When you read five of the seven letters that Jesus sent to the Congregations in Asia Minor, it is like reading our own congregation report. I would dare suggest that the ratio of two good congregations to every five bad ones is still true today. (Compare Revelation 2:24,25; 3:1-5)

I am very encouraged by you saying that you still recognize this as the truth, and that Jehovah is using the congregation and organization. Please continue to put your trust in Jehovah. Continue to stick to him, to love him and at the same time prove yourself to be an encouragement to the brothers and sisters. (Jude 21) Those who continue to stick loyally to Jehovah need each other as never before! As for myself, since I have come to understand that God's foretold judgment—that he addresses to "my people"—apply to us and not to Christendom, I have gained a renewed enthusiasm. It's true, the meetings can be very tiring when we are constantly reminded that we must obey and trust the self-proclaimed "faithful and discreet slave," the governing body; and I imagine we will hear that more and more emphasized in the days to come as they feel their authority and influence being undermined by the fact that it is now the time for their revealing. (Isa. 26:13; 2 Thess. 2:3,4, 8-12)

Our scriptural message of "the good news of the kingdom" has not changed since Jesus' time. It is still from Jehovah, and Jesus authorized us to share it with others. We should still be engaged in preaching it to the extent that our circumstances allow. (Matt. 24:14; Rom. 15:16) We do not need to include in the good news things that "go beyond the things that are written." (1 Cor. 4:6) It's good to keep the message simple, focusing on the blessings that God's kingdom will bring to obedient mankind, while staying away from such things as 1914.

I am still in the organization, still attending meetings, although being viewed as "spiritually weak" and perhaps by some as holding apostate views (as I have heard). That may be because sometimes I pose a question to an elder, while working with him in the field service, and let him reason on the answer. For example, a few months ago, when I was out with a young elder, I asked him for his thoughts on why we need to keep track and report the hours spent in witnessing to others. If it is because the Society needs to know what is being accomplished in the world and where there is a need for more kingdom proclaimers, why not submit our reports anonymously? That way they would still have all the necessary information. He answered by saying that without reporting our monthly activity to the Society they would not know who qualifies to be appointed as an elder. In turn I asked that if the elders are indeed appointed by holy spirit, as we believe, then would the holy spirit not know who has the necessary qualifications for an elder? (Acts 20:28) He quickly changed the subject, but I'm sure he told other elders about my wayward thinking; yet they cannot accuse me of being apostate simply for asking them questions, while letting them do the answering.

We are experiencing the foretold "critical times hard to deal with" within God's household, and we have been ill prepared to deal with them. (2 Tim. 3:1-7) Although the Society has failed to help us understand what is happening, and the reason for it—since it reflects negatively on the leadership, yet, at the same time Jehovah caused these things to be foretold in order for us to be strengthened by it, that we may endure to the end. (Matt. 24:12,13; 26:54) It is our time that Jesus had in mind when he said: "So when the troubles begin, don’t be afraid. Look up—raise your head high, because the truth is that your liberation is fast approaching." (Luke 21:28; The Voice Bible)

May Jehovah bless you as you struggle with the rest of us who are clinging to Jehovah, until his judgment upon his household has passed and we have been found worthy by him to come "out of the great tribulation." (Rev. 7:9, 14)

